post From werner buchmann, director of chemical r&d
You may be among the many professional carpet cleaners who prefer to use powdered chemical products. If so, read on to learn about all the ways we have improved the performance, ease of dissolving and shelf-life of our powdered products.
We recently introduced our hydro-coating technology into all of our powder detergents. As with Ultrapac Extreme, all our powder detergents now dissolve faster and completely, they clean better than before, and they have a longer shelf-life and work more efficiently at high temperatures.
We also added new surfactant systems that perfume much better, eliminated chemical compounds that have stringent regulatory requirements and improved manufacturing consistency. All this has been done without changing the appearance and scent of these powder detergents.
We did not advertise these improvements to customers, as our goal was to seamlessly improve your cleaning experience.
Read also Part 1 of this series on "Redesigning Cleaning Solutions" and Part 3 on "VOCs and Redesigning Liquid Solutions"
See our other cleaning chemistry Tips & Tricks.